Tom seeking app for bb 9500 in title

Recovery for Excel

Recoveronix Ltd.

Recovery for Excel fixes corrupted Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files (.XLS). Unfortunately, bad floppies and corrupted file systems pop up and...

Conduct a live auction easily! Create many reports used for over 10 years! Easy to use menus and has many features including: * Maintain Mailing List...

iMacros for Firefox

iMacros WebSite Testing and Web Scraping

If you love the Firefox web browser, but are tired of repetitive tasks like visiting the same sites every days, filling out forms, and remembering...

Document XML messages to send to the server as well as messages expected back, and you can run automated unit tests at any time. While there is no...

Tired of Boring Toolbars? Liven up the Word workplace with this attractive set of colored toolbar icons. The complete collection comes with 3 full...

Tom seeking app for bb 9500 in description

eBook Reader for Nokia 9500 (9300)

Paragon Technologie GMBH

eBook Reader for The Nokia 9300 / 9500 is a viewer and organizer for electronic books. With eBook Reader you can download, and read eBooks from...


Deep Cognition Ltd.

Press print on your Mac or PC to automatically convert files to PDF & push them to your iDevice. Your iDevice is an amazing way to read...

Chicken Invaders 2 demo

InterAction studios

Save the solar system from invading chickens! Just when you thought it was safe to eat chicken again, the chickens have returned with an organized...

The chickens are back with their usual plans of world domination, and this time they're taking over Christmas! Forget all about Christmas...

Card Counter

Scott C. Russell

A little helper app for those us whose brains are just a little too fried from drinking too much soda. This application was created to help me count...

Counting Cards

Scott C. Russell

A little helper app for counting cards while playing on-line card games, with a built in timer to track time. Improve your game dramatically. There...

FonoMax 2000

Christian G. Riva

Telephone Cost Control for BBS, Fax, Internet and Voice communications. Manual or automatic control of telephone calls, absolutely configurable...

PowerTerm InterConnect

Ericom Software Inc.

PowerTerm InterConnect for Windows provides secure, seamless access to accounting, inventory management & other applications running on multiple...

Tray Transpose Tool

Split Infinity Music

A musical chord transposition app for Win 95/98 which resides in your system tray. Need to transpose a song? Copy the lyrics and chords of a song...


Alex Threlfall

CyberTweak is a Tweaking app for Windows. It changes the default values provided by windows to optimum levels for fast internet access.


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