Soccer round template in title

Microsoft Publisher97 template for Avery 8196 3.5' diskette labels. Clearly marks margins, disk flap, and the front part of the diskette.

If you ever wanted to create an own CD-label, CD-box-inlet and CD-box-liner FOR FREE, here is the solution! You just need Word for Windows 95 and...

Teaching Templates

John Turner

The award-winning Teaching Templates suite is a varied and timesaving set of eight authoring tools that help you create interactive, web-based...

Build a Flash website from selection of professionally designed template without the need to use Adobe Flash. Not everyone is a professional web...

AT Template

Geir Olav Heiene/ Active Templates AS

programming''Provides a ''non programming'' way to create documenttemplates with dialog box functionality in Word. Anyperson in an...

Soccer round template in description

PIMOne Gold

PIMOne Computing Inc.

PIMOne is an easy-to-use personal information management (PIM) software. Bringing great convenience to your work and life, PIMOne is indeed an...

Visual Business Cards

RKS Software

Design and Print your own professional looking business cards using a simple but powerful design screen. The New Card Wizard steps you easily through...

Visual Labels

RKS Software

Windows Label software to design and print Avery labels. You can design and print any kind of label, including diskette labels, VCR labels, jar and...

Diamond Scheduler

John R. Hall

A Windows-based scheduling program for sports leagues including round robin and single-elimination pairing systems. The program is ideal for...

CD Label Designer

Dataland Software

CD Label Designer is application that will help you to design and print CD jewel case and DVD box labels, booklets, sleeves (envelopes), round and...


Pollen Software

StyleSkin enables you to quickly create professional 3D/2D interface and menu style graphics from simple shapes. Now with three new cutting edge...

PhotoOne Print is the advanced digital photo printing software for everyone. The program lets you design, edit, print and export high quality photos,...

SDE for Visual Studio .Net is a UML CASE tool totally integrated with Microsoft Visual Studio. It supports full software development lifecycle -...

SDE for Eclipse is a UML CASE tool totally integrated with Eclipse. It supports full software development lifecycle - analysis, design...

SDE for JBuilder is a UML CASE tool totally integrated with JBuilder. It supports full software development lifecycle - analysis, design...


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