Lock pc by voice key in title

A familiar ten key calculator for the office professional designed by a CPA. If you use a ten key desktop calculator, you will love myTenKey!...

A powerful, easy-to-use system that quickly implements a professional voice response system into your business, Interactive Voice Guide was designed...

LockGear Enterprise

Softros Systems, Inc.

LockGear Enterprise is a powerful and easy-to-use software utility that allows password protection of your system from unauthorized access when you...

PC Teleprompter Pro

B Howard Heck

Finally, an affordable alternative for anyone who gives live presentations, or produces their own videos. Teachers, preachers, business people...

PC LockUp

Ixis Ltd

PC LockUp is a computer security software, which enables you to apply password protection to Windows and restrict others from being able to use your...

Lock pc by voice key in description

FREE CompuSec® is a suite of security solutions to protect desktops and notebooks. This software is a full product without any limitations and it...

Jitbit Virtual Keyboard

JitBit Software

Jitbit VirtualKeyboard is an on-screen virtual keyboard. Type text with your mouse, trackball or stylus (digital pen used by Tablet PC devices with a...

Enterprise-ready speech recognition software, Dragon Naturally Speaking Professional lets you interact with your PC by voice - three times faster...

Dictaphone for MS Word

Miroslav Mrazik

With this program you will create a sound record very easily, and then you can use this record during your work in any MS WORD document or any other...

TalkMail Personal

Mailvision Ltd

The TalkMail Personal is an ideal solution for everyone from mobile professionals to college students to teens, installed at home or small office on...

Clean MemXP


Clean MemXP is a system utility for watching the current state of the system such as CPU usage, RAM and Virtual RAM availability, Disks, Processes...

For home users and home businesses. Combines Rohos desktop solutions, into a single, simple security product. - An easy-to-use, reliable...


grennis grennis

ThePhoneBOT turns your Windows PC and voice modem into a powerful, multi-line telephone answering machine. With advanced features like: Message...

Secure remote access to your PC or Mac at anytime from any computer NTRconnect is available in Free and Pro versions. NTRconnect Free offers access...

Access Lock

Ixis Ltd Ixis Ltd

Access Lock is an easy-to-use system-tray security utility you can use to secure your desktop when you are away from your computer. Just configure...


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