Code for multiselect combobox in java in title

A little Add-In for Microsoft Visual Studio 97 that lets you easily maintain the user defined keywords that are stored in your usertype.dat file. It...

An innovative information management solution that lets you keep all of your important information in one place, passwords, PIN codes, notes and...

The latest version of our option pricing and analysis system. It calculates prices, risk parameters and implied volatilities using the Black-...

Spinnaker DBase Add-ins for Excel 97/2000

Spinnaker Software Solutions

Spinnaker Tools is a suite of Excel Add-ins particularly suited for analyzing and manipulating lists and databases in Excel. Features include easy...

CryptoHeaven for Java(tm)

Marcin Kurzawa

Secure email and secure online file sharing and storage, secure document distribution and group collaboration. Integrates multi-user based...

Code for multiselect combobox in java in description



ZZEE PHPExe compiles PHP, HTML, Javascript and other web files into Windows GUI programs. You can rapidly develop Windows GUI applications by...

1st JavaScript Editor is advanced JavaScript Editor, Validator and Debugger for beginners and professionals! Beside rich possibilities of editing...

Rapid PHP Editor 2004

Blumentals Software

Rapid PHP editor is fully featured, quick and very sophisticated PHP editor that extends far beyond the essentials of regular PHP editing...


Cosmin Smeu

Globex is an extremely useful tool for today's global economy. Do you ever need to know how many Canadian dollars are in one Euro? Or maybe...


Maarten Veerman

Use Emailscrambler to hide your email address from spam utilities searching the web for email addresses. Emailscrambler will generate a javascript...

Scripts Encryptor (ScrEnc)

Scripts Encryptor is a handy utility to scramble (obfuscate) HTML, JavaScript/JScript, C/C++/MFC code. Unlike many other obfuscators it does not...

Rapid PHP Editor 2011

Blumentals Software

Rapid PHP editor is full-featured, very quick and sophisticated PHP editor with a debugger and utf-8 support. Convenient features enable you to...

EJS TreeGrid

Jan Kohout

EJS TreeGrid is DHTML component written in pure JavaScript to display and edit data in table, grid, tree view or grid with tree on HTML...

HTMLPad 2010

Blumentals Software

HTMLPad is quick and sophisticated all-in-one HTML, CSS, JavaScript and server side script editor. Clean and convenient interface, quick startup...



DAO-Generator follows the Data Access Object(DAO) design pattern and generates java code.Current Version of this tool supports DB2 UDB, Informix...


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