
Information Management
Information Reference Databases


Clucast is the most exciting free browser plug-in and the ultimate tool that brings you the wisdom of crowds on a silver platter. Clucast is where word of mouth travels and buzz hums so that you no longer need to hear it through the grapevine. It will forever change your surfing habits, leaving you wondering how you ever surfed the web without it. Clucast allows you to generate new clues and retrieve existing clues with style about anything and everything displayed on the web from products to politics and everything in between. Whether you have an opinion about anything (and who doesn’t) or whether you want to get the inside scoop about something (what you don’t know might hurt you), Clucast sits eagerly in your browser ready to serve you with just one click from wherever you might be – no need to go anywhere or search for anything. So if you think that YouTubing, MySpacing, or Starbucking with a “1/3 decafe triple grande sugar free vanilla white chocolate non fat stirred carmel Macchiato” are addictive, then wait until you start peeking through people’s clues!!! Clucast includes comprehensive features, advanced functionality, high usability, robust scalability, and very rich user experience. It combines the best computing paradigms found on the desktop, the web, and mobile devices.


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