Netrek is a free online game where you battle in space against people around the world. Up to 16 people per game battle against each other, over the internet, on a massive virtual space battlefield. You play against people around the world, fighting your enemy by flying different types of ships that are armed with plenty of weapons. You also attack your enemy by bombing and dropping your armies on their planets. The ultimate goal being to take all enemy planets to win the game. This game involves a lot of teamwork and communication. You are able to communicate with all players in the game while playing. Very fast, very intense and very challenging. There are multiple servers ready for people to play on and they are online 24x7. Each server can hold 16 people in a game, 8 people per team, and multiple observers. Netrek XP 2006 1.3 includes many new graphics and sound effects. This release also includes an updated configuration program giving players new options and also adds a game record and playback(Cambot Helper) program.